ISO 14001 Environment Managament System
With the awareness that the raw materials required in furniture production are acquired from natural resources, our essential principles are;
• To comply with the legal legislations concerning the environment,
• To set objectives as aimed to reduce our wastes and consumption of natural resources, and make continuous improvements.
In line with our principles and objectives, we increase the training levels and participation of our employees, and improve our positive contribution to man and the environment.

Information Security
We as the employees of the company;
• To manage all risks related to the sustainability of our business processes and our information assets,
• Our management system "Information security" meeting the requirements of ISO 27001 standard,
• To minimize the interruption of all of the basic and supportive activities of our institution,
• to create the awareness of "Information Security" to our employees, customers and suppliers,
• To comply with all legal regulations and contracts related to "Information Security",
• We work day and night to protect the integrity and image of our institution.